Poster frames are an important tool for keeping your signage protected against general wear and tear. They can tie your posters in with your business’ branding or used to draw customer’s attention to any new products or offers you might have. There are many different types of poster frame on the market and choosing the right one can determine how effective the content of the poster is. You need to make sure you choose the right type of poster frame for the environment it is situated in and that the size matches the size of your poster well. Here’s our guide for choosing the right type of poster frame for your business. Lockable Poster Frames Lockable poster frames are a high security signage product. They can only be opened using a key, meaning only the material you choose is displayed. This protects your content against theft and vandalism making it ideal if your posters are located outside or in busy parts of your business premises. Many poster frames can be used in the ou...
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